Ingrown Toenails: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Management by Podiatrists

Healthy toes and feet help you to walk, stand, run, and be as active as possible. Even the slightest problem can affect your gait and comfort level. Therefore, if you're dealing with ingrown toenails in Southeast Portland, OR, you should contact Dr. Brandi Myers at Sellwood Podiatry.

How Do You Know You Have Ingrown Toenails in Southeast Portland, OR?

In the early stages of an ingrown toenail, the skin next to the nail may feel tender. It may also begin to turn red. You may notice more pressure when you wear your shoes, especially if they're pressing down on the nail. If the ingrown toenail becomes infected, it can begin to swell, throb, and even ooze pus. An infected toenail may also start bleeding and make it difficult to walk or stand for too long.

How Can You Treat and Prevent It?

You can start caring for your toenail at home. Put it in warm water to soothe it and reduce inflammation. Be mindful of your footwear, as tight shoes can compress the toes and cause nails to press into the skin. Therefore, you may need to replace your footwear with shoes that provide a wider space for your toes. Be careful with trimming, as round or irregular cuts can increase the likelihood of this problem. Trim nails slowly in straight cuts.

What Can a Podiatrist Do?

After doing self-care, you may need medical intervention for your toenail issue. You should see Dr. Myers at Sellwood Podiatry if you have chronic ingrown ones or develop an infection. Infected ingrown ones may swell, smell, develop pus, be painful, change color, and cause the nail to deteriorate. Your foot doctor can guide how to trim your toenails to avoid chronic occurrences. The doctor may prescribe a topical ointment to help reduce infection. They may also need to remove part or all of the nails from the nailbed.

If you are diabetic, you should always allow your local podiatrist to handle these ingrown toenail issues. Improper handling of your diabetic feet can lead to bigger issues like infections.

When you have ingrown toenails in Southeast Portland, OR, Dr. Myers can help you. Schedule an appointment at Sellwood Podiatry to ensure your feet get the care they deserve. Call us at (503) 235-8594 to make an appointment today.

Healthy toes and feet help you to walk, stand, run, and be as active as possible. Even the slightest problem can affect your gait and comfort level. Therefore, if you're dealing with ingrown toenails in Southeast Portland, OR, you should contact Dr. Brandi Myers at Sellwood Podiatry.

How Do You Know You Have Ingrown Toenails in Southeast Portland, OR?

In the early stages of an ingrown toenail, the skin next to the nail may feel tender. It may also begin to turn red. You may notice more pressure when you wear your shoes, especially if they're pressing down on the nail. If the ingrown toenail becomes infected, it can begin to swell, throb, and even ooze pus. An infected toenail may also start bleeding and make it difficult to walk or stand for too long.

How Can You Treat and Prevent It?

You can start caring for your toenail at home. Put it in warm water to soothe it and reduce inflammation. Be mindful of your footwear, as tight shoes can compress the toes and cause nails to press into the skin. Therefore, you may need to replace your footwear with shoes that provide a wider space for your toes. Be careful with trimming, as round or irregular cuts can increase the likelihood of this problem. Trim nails slowly in straight cuts.

What Can a Podiatrist Do?

After doing self-care, you may need medical intervention for your toenail issue. You should see Dr. Myers at Sellwood Podiatry if you have chronic ingrown ones or develop an infection. Infected ingrown ones may swell, smell, develop pus, be painful, change color, and cause the nail to deteriorate. Your foot doctor can guide how to trim your toenails to avoid chronic occurrences. The doctor may prescribe a topical ointment to help reduce infection. They may also need to remove part or all of the nails from the nailbed.

If you are diabetic, you should always allow your local podiatrist to handle these ingrown toenail issues. Improper handling of your diabetic feet can lead to bigger issues like infections.

When you have ingrown toenails in Southeast Portland, OR, Dr. Myers can help you. Schedule an appointment at Sellwood Podiatry to ensure your feet get the care they deserve. Call us at (503) 235-8594 to make an appointment today.

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