Common Signs and Symptoms of Toenail Fungus Infection

Experience effective treatment for a toenail fungus infection in Southeast Portland, OR, by consulting Dr. Brandi Myers of Sellwood Podiatry.

What Are the Symptoms of a Toenail Fungus Infection?

 Fungal infections may develop due to cracks forming on your toenails. You may also develop a fungal infection if you have an open wound close to your toe. Regardless of how your toenail fungus infection developed, you can expect to deal with some troublesome symptoms related to that.

The first symptom you may notice is discoloration. You may see white or yellow spots appear on your infected toenail. The discolored spots may seem small initially. If you don’t take action to remedy the infection at that point, the discoloration may continue to spread throughout your toenail.

The shape of your toenail may also change as your fungal infection persists. At first, your infected toenail may become noticeably thicker than your other nails. As your toenail continues to grow, it may start to curl unnaturally. The unnatural development of your toenail may also cause it to pull away from the nail bed.

Foul smells are also associated with toenail fungus infections. Those unpleasant odors may be especially noticeable when shoes are removed. Infected toenails are also more prone to breaking or crumbling. Parts of your toenails may crumble as you examine them. The crumbled parts of your toenails may also feel noticeably dry.

Your deformed toenail can also impact your comfort level. Finding a position to rest your feet comfortably may be more challenging because of your infected toenail. Eventually, you may struggle to move around because of your infected toenail.

Search for a podiatrist in Portland, OR, if you need treatment for a toenail fungus infection.

How Are Toenail Fungus Infections Treated?

 Treatment for a toenail fungus infection begins with thorough diagnostics. Your podiatrist will examine your affected toenail to determine if it needs to be treated with medication. Certain infections can improve with maintenance. If your podiatrist determines that medication is required, they can prescribe oral or topical drugs. The topical drugs must be applied directly to your infected toenail. Seek guidance from your podiatrist to find out how the medicine should be applied.

Although rare, there are instances wherein medication may not be able to resolve the fungal infection. In that scenario, your podiatrist may recommend surgically removing the toenail. Once the toenail is removed, the medication can be applied to the affected area.

Schedule a Podiatrist Today

 To schedule treatment for a toenail fungus infection in Southeast Portland, OR, call (503) 235-8594 and speak to Dr. Meyers at Sellwood Podiatry. 

Experience effective treatment for a toenail fungus infection in Southeast Portland, OR, by consulting Dr. Brandi Myers of Sellwood Podiatry.

What Are the Symptoms of a Toenail Fungus Infection?

 Fungal infections may develop due to cracks forming on your toenails. You may also develop a fungal infection if you have an open wound close to your toe. Regardless of how your toenail fungus infection developed, you can expect to deal with some troublesome symptoms related to that.

The first symptom you may notice is discoloration. You may see white or yellow spots appear on your infected toenail. The discolored spots may seem small initially. If you don’t take action to remedy the infection at that point, the discoloration may continue to spread throughout your toenail.

The shape of your toenail may also change as your fungal infection persists. At first, your infected toenail may become noticeably thicker than your other nails. As your toenail continues to grow, it may start to curl unnaturally. The unnatural development of your toenail may also cause it to pull away from the nail bed.

Foul smells are also associated with toenail fungus infections. Those unpleasant odors may be especially noticeable when shoes are removed. Infected toenails are also more prone to breaking or crumbling. Parts of your toenails may crumble as you examine them. The crumbled parts of your toenails may also feel noticeably dry.

Your deformed toenail can also impact your comfort level. Finding a position to rest your feet comfortably may be more challenging because of your infected toenail. Eventually, you may struggle to move around because of your infected toenail.

Search for a podiatrist in Portland, OR, if you need treatment for a toenail fungus infection.

How Are Toenail Fungus Infections Treated?

 Treatment for a toenail fungus infection begins with thorough diagnostics. Your podiatrist will examine your affected toenail to determine if it needs to be treated with medication. Certain infections can improve with maintenance. If your podiatrist determines that medication is required, they can prescribe oral or topical drugs. The topical drugs must be applied directly to your infected toenail. Seek guidance from your podiatrist to find out how the medicine should be applied.

Although rare, there are instances wherein medication may not be able to resolve the fungal infection. In that scenario, your podiatrist may recommend surgically removing the toenail. Once the toenail is removed, the medication can be applied to the affected area.

Schedule a Podiatrist Today

 To schedule treatment for a toenail fungus infection in Southeast Portland, OR, call (503) 235-8594 and speak to Dr. Meyers at Sellwood Podiatry. 

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