The Role of Lasers in Treating Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails can be a painful and persistent problem, often leading to infection and significant discomfort. Traditional treatments like trimming the nail and antibiotics can help, but for severe or recurrent cases, lasers offer a modern and effective solution.

Through advancements in technology, your podiatrist can help treat ingrown toenails with precise laser technology to relieve pain and avoid future medical complications. The podiatrists at Sellwood Podiatry in Southeast Portland, OR, explain how to treat ingrown toenails using laser treatments below.

Lasers and Ingrown Toenails

Lasers use a type of focused light energy to target and treat affected toenails. They can help to relieve any pressure and pain while also promoting proper nail growth.

For treating ingrown toenails, your podiatrist in Southeast Portland, OR, will precisely remove a portion of your nail. The laser may also destroy the nail matrix (the root area that produces the nail), which prevents the troublesome part of the nail from growing back.

Benefits of Using Lasers for Ingrown Toenails

There are several unique benefits of using lasers for ingrown toenails.

  • Lasers provide a high level of precision, allowing for targeted treatment without causing harm to the surrounding tissue.
  • Laser treatment is less invasive compared to surgical methods, resulting in less pain and a quicker recovery time.
  • The laser’s heat helps to sterilize the area, reducing the risk of infection, which is a common complication with ingrown toenails.

Laser treatment is an excellent option if you frequently deal with severe, recurrent, or infected ingrown toenails. It’s particularly beneficial for those who haven’t had success with traditional treatments, although keep in mind regular follow-up appointments may be necessary to monitor healing and ensure the ingrown toenail does not recur.

Contact Your Podiatrist Today

If you're looking to treat an ingrown toenail near Southeast Portland, OR, you should contact the podiatrists at Sellwood Podiatry. We can help you learn more about treating ingrown toenails with lasers and provide a personalized care plan for your needs.

You may call us for more information and schedule an appointment at (503) 235-8594.

Ingrown toenails can be a painful and persistent problem, often leading to infection and significant discomfort. Traditional treatments like trimming the nail and antibiotics can help, but for severe or recurrent cases, lasers offer a modern and effective solution.

Through advancements in technology, your podiatrist can help treat ingrown toenails with precise laser technology to relieve pain and avoid future medical complications. The podiatrists at Sellwood Podiatry in Southeast Portland, OR, explain how to treat ingrown toenails using laser treatments below.

Lasers and Ingrown Toenails

Lasers use a type of focused light energy to target and treat affected toenails. They can help to relieve any pressure and pain while also promoting proper nail growth.

For treating ingrown toenails, your podiatrist in Southeast Portland, OR, will precisely remove a portion of your nail. The laser may also destroy the nail matrix (the root area that produces the nail), which prevents the troublesome part of the nail from growing back.

Benefits of Using Lasers for Ingrown Toenails

There are several unique benefits of using lasers for ingrown toenails.

  • Lasers provide a high level of precision, allowing for targeted treatment without causing harm to the surrounding tissue.
  • Laser treatment is less invasive compared to surgical methods, resulting in less pain and a quicker recovery time.
  • The laser’s heat helps to sterilize the area, reducing the risk of infection, which is a common complication with ingrown toenails.

Laser treatment is an excellent option if you frequently deal with severe, recurrent, or infected ingrown toenails. It’s particularly beneficial for those who haven’t had success with traditional treatments, although keep in mind regular follow-up appointments may be necessary to monitor healing and ensure the ingrown toenail does not recur.

Contact Your Podiatrist Today

If you're looking to treat an ingrown toenail near Southeast Portland, OR, you should contact the podiatrists at Sellwood Podiatry. We can help you learn more about treating ingrown toenails with lasers and provide a personalized care plan for your needs.

You may call us for more information and schedule an appointment at (503) 235-8594.

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